Jeju Jeolmul Recreational Forest
The recreational forest features a promenade, waterfall, pond, grass square, wood-crafting studio, and more. There are forest cabins available for lodging.
🗺 Location
✏ Details
Available Facilities
Accommodations, walking paths, playground, observatory, etc.
Facility Utilization Fees
Accommodations (Peak season or weekends / Low season & weekdays)
[Forest House]
27 ㎡ Room (4 people): 73,000 won / 40,000 won
34 ㎡ Room (6 people): 119,000 won / 67,000 won
50 ㎡ Room (8 people): 154,000 won / 87,000 won
66 ㎡ Room (11 people): 185,000 won / 110,000 won
82.5 ㎡ Room (12 people): 214,000 won / 145,000 won
[Forest Training Center]
87 ㎡ Room (20 people): 250,000 won / 180,000 won
33 ㎡ Room (6 people): 67,000 won
50 ㎡ Room (8 people): 85,000 won
* Refer to website for details
Admission Fees
Individuals - Adults 1,000 won / Teenagers 600 won / Children 300 won
Groups - Adults 800 won / Teenagers 500 won / Children 200 won
* Group: 20 people or more
Parking Fees
Compact cars 1,500 won / Small & Mid-sized cars 3,000 won / Large vehicles 5,000 won
🔎 Information
(Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese)
• For more info: +82-64-728-1510
* Visit the website for more information